All Library locations will be closed Tuesday, March 25th for Staff Training

Purchase Request Form

Please Search the Catalog first!

Before you send in your purchase request, please note:

  • We will accept purchase requests for items set to be released up to three months from the current date. Anything without a release date or set to be released after three months from the current date will not be considered.
  • If you request that we add a hold for you, we will add a hold to your record for any item we purchase from your recommendation. Please be aware we cannot guarantee your priority on any one item’s request list.

  • Contact Information

  • (14 digits, no spaces)
    (Check yes if you would like us to place a hold on this item for you if purchased.)
  • * Required Fields. We only accept requests from registered borrowers. Please include E-Mail or Phone in case we have questions.

    Please review your information and click here to submit.