Starting July 8 parking at Brookline Village will be limited due to the Pierce School construction.

Please note: The Brookline Village Library will be closed on Sundays from June 16 to September 1.

The Public Library of Brookline is Fine Free!

The Public Library of Brookline is delighted to announce that we are now fine free! Our children’s materials were already free of late fees and we are now thrilled to do away with late fees for all of our materials.

How does it work? Beginning July 1, 2023, items borrowed at Public Library of Brookline locations will not be charged late fees. This includes items owned by other libraries in the Minuteman Network that are checked out in Brookline, and it applies to everyone checking out materials at a Brookline Library, regardless of residency. However, if you go to another library in the Minuteman Network and check out materials there, those materials will be subject to that library’s policies. You will still receive due-date reminders when materials are renewed or due to be returned.

Please note that items checked out from Brookline that remain long overdue will still be billed for replacement fees, as will significantly damaged materials. If long overdue items are returned, the replacement fees will disappear.

Removing fines is a major step in our continual efforts to make the Library as equitable, accessible, and welcoming an environment as possible. We thank the Library Trustees and the Town of Brookline for approving this new policy. We are so pleased to be a fine free library!

The Library Card Project

These illustrated library cards are by Elissa Martel – a local artist and librarian who grew up in Brookline! Elissa created these library cards as part of “The 100 Day Project,” an annual creativity challenge over 100 days. She used marker, pen, and colored pencil. The drawings in this exhibit are a selection of the complete set of library cards, each one based off the card of a different library. Many of these cards were submitted to Elissa by her friends.

Word and Image

Word and Image is a curated collection of book and cover design work created by Endpaper Studio. For this exhibit, they are highlighting projects with local ties—projects whose authors, stories, photographers, artists, or publishers have New England roots.

Brookline residents George Restrepo and Lisa Diercks teamed up in 2013 to form Endpaper Studio. To see more of their work, please visit

Join the artists for a reception on July 27! Please see the event listing for details.

Scrunched: Landscape Abstractions by Jonathan Cheney

Brookline artist Jonathan Cheney creates abstract landscapes of the imagination. Cheney begins with reused grocery bags that have been scrunched and crumpled into a sculpted, frieze-like surface where chaos approaches order. Colorful paintings invite your interpretations, but have a common theme: Human activities threaten Earth systems and the biosphere.

Ethan’s Sea Glass and Dash’s LEGO Collection

Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room!

In our flat case, Ethan shares his collection of sea glass. Ethan is in the 2nd grade at Lincoln School. This sea glass was collected from Ramona Beach on Lake Ontario. The blue glass is Ethan’s favorite!

A display case of sea glass, arranged in piles by color

In our wall case, Dash shares her LEGO collection. Dash is 11 years old and in the 5th grade. She worked hard on this LEGO collection!

A three-story building made of LEGOs  A collection of structures made of LEGOs

Stop by the Brookline Village Children’s Room to see these amazing collections! And sign up for a slot in our display cases here!

Linked and Inked

These two art displays show the work of multi-disciplinary artist and educator, Matisse DuPont. During the lockdown, Matisse began weaving chainmaille as a way to keep their hands busy. All the pieces you see before you are made of solid brass. Later, Matisse returned to visual arts to play with the fluid dynamic properties of acrylic inks last summer while recovering from an injury. Art is one of the greatest comforters and can help the maker get through difficult times and overcome challenges. Please enjoy!

Matisse DuPont (they/she) is an artist, educator, and consultant with expertise and scholarship in the areas of gender, sexuality, and identity. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Matisse holds a Master’s in Gender and Cultural Studies from Simmons University.

Portraits of Trust Early Learners

This exhibit displays 60 self-portraits by young learners between the ages of 3-5 years old who attend the Martin Trust Partnership in Education for Early Learners (Trust Early Learners). The process for the self-portraits began with exploration. Students observed themselves in a mirror and then created color swatches of their skin, hair, and eye color. Two books were read: Colors of Us by Karen Katz, about an artist painting many shades, and All the Colors We Are by Katie Kissinger, which explains the ancestral origin of our skin color. After reading both books, students began creating their self-portraits by using tempera paint sticks to draw the head shape, facial features, and hair. When the self-portrait drawings were complete, they collaged backgrounds until they were covered. The self-portraits are a visual display of learning and personal development our young artists have cultivated during the school year.

Celebrating Pride Month in Brookline

In May of 2019, the Brookline Select Board approved the first painting of a Pride Crosswalk outside of Town Hall, and Brookline joined local communities such as Arlington, Cambridge, Medfield, Northampton, Salem, Worcester, and others in declaring the month of June as Pride Month in the Town of Brookline. Since 2019 Pride Crosswalks have been painted in collaboration with the Department of Public Works and GSAs and Rainbow Clubs at Town Hall, Brookline High School, and all of the Brookline Elementary Schools.

Artists’ Books

Laurie Alpert is a printmaker and book artist who exhibits her work regularly at the Bromfield Gallery in Boston’s South End, and has also exhibited nationally and internationally. She is a Professor Emerita, Department of Fine and Applied Arts at Curry College.

Laurie writes: “For quite some time, my prints had included music and a variety of different types of text. Each piece was sequential, but confined to the rectangle, and it made perfect sense to me to transform them into books. I became more and more interested in sculptural forms and the different ways in which books can be bound (or unbound). The origin of the work is inconsequential – it is the alteration that gives the image its new life.”

Rico’s LEGOs and Evelyn’s Littlest Pet Shop Collection

Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room!

In our flat case, Evelyn shares her collection of Littlest Pet Shop animals. Evelyn’s collection includes some “I Spy” questions – come see what you can find!

A collection of Littlest Pet Shop animal toys and a hand-written statement about the collection

In our wall case, Rico shares his LEGO collection. Rico enjoys building airplanes, vehicles, and made-up characters out of LEGOs.

A transformer made out of LEGOs  Yoda made out of LEGOs

Stop by the Brookline Village Children’s Room to see these amazing collections! And sign up for a slot in our display cases here!