Starting July 8 parking at Brookline Village will be limited due to the Pierce School construction.

Please note: The Brookline Village Library will be closed on Sundays from June 16 to September 1.

May 21, 2023: Jennifer Sperry Steinorth

Jennifer Sperry Steinorth’s books include A Wake with Nine Shades (2019) and Her Read, A Graphic Poem (2021), recipient of Foreword Review’s Best of the Indie Press bronze prize in poetry. She is the recipient of a Beinecke Fellowship and grants from Vermont Studio Center, the Sewanee Writers Conference, Community of Writers, and the MFA for Writers at Warren Wilson College. Recent work appears in Cincinnati Review, Kenyon Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Pleiades, Plume, Rhino, TriQuarterly and elsewhere. An interdisciplinary artist and licensed builder, she lectures at the University of Michigan in the Department of English and the Penny Stamps School of Art & Design, and is the newly authorized biographer of C.D. Wright.

May 21, 2023: Nathan McClain

Nathan McClain is the author of two collections of poetry—Previously Owned (2022), an Honorable Mention for the 2022 Royal Dragonfly Award in Poetry, and Scale (2017)—both from Four Way Books, a recipient of fellowships from The Frost Place, Sewanee Writers Conference, Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and a graduate from the M.F.A. Program for Writers at Warren Wilson. A Cave Canem fellow, his poems and prose have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Plume Poetry Anthology 10, Poetry Daily, The Common, Guesthouse, and Poetry Northwest, among others. He teaches at Hampshire College and serves as poetry editor of the Massachusetts Review.

Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion

The Special Collections continues to find tidbits in the image collection, including items from the 19th Century periodical, Gleason’s Pictorial Drawing Room Companion. This Boston publication was established 1851 by Frederick Gleason and future Boston Daily Globe editor Maturin Murray Ballou. Inspired by The Illustrated London News, Gleason’s sought to combine local and national journalism with high quality illustrations rather than letting the text stand on its own. Gleason’s regularly featured work by artists such as Winslow Homer and John Andrew, as well as many anonymous and semi-anonymous artists. In a world before cameras, Gleason’s is a fascinating time capsule of what mid 19th century America looked like.

Come to the library to see the examples in our photograph and image collection. Talk to one of our archivists if you have questions about this or any other part of the local history collections.

Artwork of Dorothy Clemens

The Public Library of Brookline houses a collection of paintings by local artist Dorothy Clemens in our Special Collections. We are pleased to display a selection of Clemens’s work. Focusing primarily on abstract expressionism, Clemens was most active in the 1950s and 1960s.

Kids April Vacation Week Programs

School is out for the week and we’ve got exciting children’s programs at all three Public Library of Brookline locations. We hope you’ll join us to learn, create, and explore!

Monday, April 17

The Library is closed for Patriot’s Day

Tuesday, April 18

Join us at the Putterham Library at 10:30 AM to learn All About Alpacas from the Harvard Alpaca Ranch! You’ll learn why Alpacas were domesticated by the Incan people and what makes their wool and personalities so special! You’ll even be able to meet and pet an Alpaca! This program is intended for age 5-9, though all are welcome!

Wednesday, April 19

It’s time for Horses 101 at the Brookline Village Library at 6:30 PM on the lawn between Brookline Village and Town Hall! Meet Katie, the miniature horse, and Lindsay from Winterberry Homestead to learn how horses think, what taking care of horses involves, and how to be safe around horses. You may even get the chance to brush Katie! This program is intended for age 5-9, though all are welcome!

This program may be moved indoors to Hunneman Hall if the weather does not permit an indoor program. Free tickets will be required if the program moves indoors.

Thursday, April 20

Leigh Baltzer from Through Me to You Puppetry brings her Puppet Storytime to the Putterham Library at 10:30 AM. this program is intended for kids ages 0-5.

Learn how to tell stories with papercutting at Coolidge Corner in our Papercutting Workshop! Artist Zhonghe (Elena) Li will teach you about paper cutting and ignite your creativity! This program is limited to children in third and fourth grade and will be held in the Coolidge Corner Meeting Room at 6:30 PM

Friday, April 21

Friday’s are always fun, and this one is no different! We’ll have bubbles, sidewalk chalk, jump ropes, and an art project for you to enjoy at our Fun Friday event in the Children’s Garden at the Brookline Village Library! This program is for ages 2+ and you can drop in anytime between 2:30 and 4 PM. this program will be canceled in the event of inclement weather.

Saturday, April 22

Join us at the Brookline Village Library for a music-filled afternoon with special musical guests, Ants on a Log! They perform music for children and other childlike people, “songfully” advocating for positivity, social justice, and silliness. Full of humor and harmony, Ants concerts are energetic, interactive, and a delight for children and adults. The concert is at 3PM on the lawn between Brookline Village and Town Hall.

This program may be moved indoors to Hunneman Hall if the weather does not permit an indoor program. Free tickets will be required if the program moves indoors.

Oia’s Painted Rocks and Edward’s LEGO Collection

Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room!

In our flat case, Oia shares her collection of painted rocks. Oia made these rocks when she was sick and looking for something to do. Her favorite part are the beautiful gems!

Painted rocks with gems and googly eyes, with a hand-written artist statement.

In our wall case, Edward shares his LEGO collection. His collection features a Harry Potter set, militiamen marching in the countryside, and a rocket ship! Edward is nine years old.

Harry Potter LEGO set.   LEGO rocket ship.

Stop by the Brookline Village Children’s Room to see these amazing collections! And sign up for a slot in our display cases here!

Jacob’s Coin Collection and Josephine’s Pottery Creations

Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room!

In our wall case, Josephine shares her collection of pottery creations. Josephine’s pottery collection includes containers, tiles, and figurines. Josephine is in 3rd grade.

A treehouse, bird, and gnome made of clay in a display case

In our flat case, Jacob shares his coin collection from around the world. Jacob has collected coins from Mexico, Malaysia, Taiwan, and more! Jacob is 10 years old.

Collection of coins from around the world in a display case  Collection of coins from around the world in a display case

Stop by the Brookline Village Children’s Room to see these amazing collections! And sign up for a slot in our display cases here!

Brookline Turkeys

Brookline Turkeys celebrates the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts and its freewheeling fearless feathered friends: our wild turkeys. Viewed by many as an invasive species, turkeys are actually native to this area and are simply returning home.

When local artist Caroline Barnes decided to create a series of travel posters portraying her home town, it only seemed natural to feature our newest star residents. Would it be a serious project, with grandiosity and gravity? Of course not. Although turkeys are gracefully geometric and beautifully colored (in the right light), they’re still utterly absurd. And so, ultimately, the posters carry that same silliness.

Caroline Barnes was training to become a biological illustrator before stepping into the wondrous world of web design. After 20 years, she is returning to her illustration roots. Rather than using pencils, pens, paints, and paper, she develops her concepts in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop using an Apple Pencil and a Wacom Tablet. You may follow her story on Instagram @bklineturkeys.