200 Books Before Middle School Completion Prize Form

This form is for kids who are quickly approaching the completion of the 200 Books Before Middle School challenge! Fill this out to let the Library know which final prize you would like to receive when you reach 200 books!

Congratulations, you are more than half-way through the 200 Books Before Middle School Challenge!

When you read 200 Books, you will earn a themed book prize. Please tell us which theme you would like for your prize!

I would like my final book-themed prize to be:(Required)

Your information

Child's Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian's Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian's Email(Required)
At which Library location would you prefer to pick up your final prize?

In addition to the final prize, you also get to choose 1 book to be added to the Library collection with a special book plate commemorating your achievement!

Based on our collection development policy, the Library reserves the right to ask you to select a different title.