
Join us for a discussion of recent titles that expand our worldview and lead to discussion of important topics, themes, and viewpoints. Books are usually under 400 pages and are selected to represent diverse stories from diverse authors around the world. See upcoming book selections on our Book & Social Groups page. Sign up here […]

Join us for a discussion of recent titles that expand our worldview and lead to discussion of important topics, themes, and viewpoints. Books are usually under 400 pages and are selected to represent diverse stories from diverse authors around the world. See upcoming book selections on our Book & Social Groups page. Sign up here […]

Join us for a discussion of recent titles that expand our worldview and lead to discussion of important topics, themes, and viewpoints. Books are usually under 400 pages and are selected to represent diverse stories from diverse authors around the world. See upcoming book selections on our Book & Social Groups page. Sign up here […]

Join us to read and discuss books by queer authors in a variety of genres. This group has a stress-free structure, where the conversation we develop about identity, gender, race, and all intersections that these generate is just as important as reading the book. We make space to feel safe, ask questions, and learn. Approach […]

Join us to read and discuss books by queer authors in a variety of genres. This group has a stress-free structure, where the conversation we develop about identity, gender, race, and all intersections that these generate is just as important as reading the book. We make space to feel safe, ask questions, and learn. Approach […]

Join us to read and discuss books by queer authors in a variety of genres. This group has a stress-free structure, where the conversation we develop about identity, gender, race, and all intersections that these generate is just as important as reading the book. We make space to feel safe, ask questions, and learn. Approach […]

Join us to read and discuss books by queer authors in a variety of genres. This group has a stress-free structure, where the conversation we develop about identity, gender, race, and all intersections that these generate is just as important as reading the book. We make space to feel safe, ask questions, and learn. Approach […]

Bring your lunch and an appetite for poetry, and join us on Zoom to discuss a selection of poems. Each month we look at half a dozen poems by a well-known poet. We provide copies of the poems – no need to read anything in advance – and lead a discussion after reading them. A […]

Bring your lunch and an appetite for poetry, and join us on Zoom to discuss a selection of poems. Each month we look at half a dozen poems by a well-known poet. We provide copies of the poems – no need to read anything in advance – and lead a discussion after reading them. A […]

Bring your lunch and an appetite for poetry, and join us on Zoom to discuss a selection of poems. Each month we look at half a dozen poems by a well-known poet. We provide copies of the poems – no need to read anything in advance – and lead a discussion after reading them. A […]