Bella’s Miniature Creations and Oskie’s Pokémon Collection

All Current Exhibits  October 18, 2022
Display case of Pokémon cards and figurines

Check out the collections on display in the Children’s Room!

In our flat case, Oskie shares his Pokémon collection which includes cards, figurines, and drawings. Oskie is in the 1st grade and goes to Runkle School.

Drawing of Pikachu in a display case with Pokémon cards

In our wall case, Bella shares her LEGO sculptures and other miniature creations, including Barbie’s shirt and pants! Bella is in the 3rd grade and goes to Lincoln School.

Display case of LEGO creations including flowers and a miniature train  Display of LEGO flowers  Barbie with homemade shirt and pants

Stop by the Brookline Village Children’s Room to see these amazing collections! And sign up for a slot in our display cases here!